Refund Policy

Our refund policy is accordance with the relevant aspects of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and its regulations as amended.

Slimsupp will refund the client if the goods purchased and paid for, are out of stock and will not be available in stock for a period of 2-3 weeks. Unless the client is willing to wait for the availability of stock or where the goods purchased are materially defective.

Materially defective means that the goods are not suitable for the purposes for which they are made or designed and that the defect affects the usage of the item. Slimsupp reserves the right to inspect the goods once they have been returned.

This inspection may take up to 10 working days, before offering the Consumer recourse on the matter, which may include, but is not limited to:

  • A full refund where the goods are found to be materially defective due to a manufacturing fault or defective batch of goods OR
  • A store credit to the value of the goods
  • A replacement of the goods with the same or substantially similar items.

Materially defective here excludes minor scratches, dents. Marks or defects which do not affect the usage or enjoyment of the goods. Ordinary wear and tear is specifically excluded.

All conditions of Slimsupp Returns Policy must be met

The refund on products already delivered and are in possession of the client will only be refunded upon the return of the product to our store. Conditions in our Returns Policy must be adhere to (refer to Returns Policy)

Refund shall be processed for goods purchased from Slimsupp via the. Website or Online Platform within 7 days of purchase. And which fall within the “cooling off” period in terms of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA). Any such return shall only be accepted if the goods are in their original packaging. All tags are still attached, unused and the Consumer is able to provide a valid, dated proof of purchase.

Once the stock has been returned and a refund has been accepted by Slimsupp. We make refund payment amount into the client’s account. 7 to 14 days from date of approval of that refund.

Amazon Affiliate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. An affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commission fees by advertising and linking to the following web sites. For all items purchased on Amazon through our affiliate link, Amazon refund policy will apply.

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