Shipping Policy

Our shipping policy ensures efficient and reliable delivery of your orders. From estimated delivery dates to free shipping options. Explore our shipping policy and experience hassle-free shipping.

We process all Orders within 2-3 business days. We do not ship or deliver orders are on weekends or holidays. Most of our orders are shipped within 2-10 business days. If any Slimsupp stock item is unavailable, we’ll reach out to you within 1-2 business days using the contact information provided during the order placement.

If We are experience a high volume of orders, shipments will delay by a few days. Please allow additional days in transit for delivery. If there will be a significant delay in shipment of Your Order, We will contact You via email or telephone. Not all of the items listed on our site are available immediately, so selecting One-Day Shipping doesn’t necessarily mean that your order will arrive in one day.

We offer shipping to any location. Slimsupp is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commission fees by advertising and linking to the following web sites. For items linked to Amazon affilliate links, Amazon Shipping Policy will apply. Estimated delivery dates will be provided based on item availability, selected shipping method, and final destination. Shipping charges depend on the total weight of the order.

To determine the applicable shipping rate and time for items in your Cart:
  1. Select Proceed to checkout.
  2. Select or add your shipping address.
  3. Select a shipping speed and select Continue.
  4. Select a payment method and select Continue.

The total shipping & handling cost as well as the estimated date of delivery, is listed under Order Summary.

Please note that Slimsupp is not responsible for any delays or damages caused by shipping errors from the courier services. If there are any errors or changes to your order, please report them within 2 days from the shipment date.

For more information regarding our terms of service please read our Terms and Conditions Policy.

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